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Clearer Thinking Podcast: Uncertainty Decision-Making and Entrepreneurship

Thanks Spencer Greenberg hosting me on the Clearer Thinking podcast. I would love to have you listen and share with others. It was a fun conversation and covers many themes that overlap with Venture Patterns. Topics include:  -Decision analysis in venture -Arguments for and against quantification in decision making -Combining expert judgement with AI or […]

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Why Diversity Matters in The Innovation Business

National public attention has appropriately shifted focus toward race inequality. Efforts to promote inclusion along lines of race and gender are at new heights today, and there is a pervasive sense that greater inclusion of minority voices in spaces of power and leadership can bring in perspectives that are necessary to building a better and […]

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Anti-Pattern: Who Becomes an Innovator in America? 

In a previous post, we asked what the qualities of a successful entrepreneur typically are, whether those qualities can be learned, and whether environmental forces play a large role in entrepreneurial success. One piece of research that post discussed is an economics report titled “Who Becomes an Innovator in America?”, led by Harvard University professor […]

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Start Here: Welcome to Venture Patterns

Welcome to Venture Patterns.  Venture Patterns is a website for VCs, startup managers, founders, and people interested in understanding the innovation economy. My goal is to provide what amounts to a “best of” catalog of some of the best advice, lessons, insights, or innovations that can be useful to founders and venture capitalists (VCs) alike.  […]

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What’s Wrong with VC (and the Silicon Valley Mindset)

As a founder turned investor, I’ve immersed myself in the startup world for ~20 years. I have spoken with 100s of founders and investors and seen many sides of the ecosystem. As a founder, I’ve been the beneficiary of VC investment and seen it work. I spend much of my time focused on the benefits […]

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